Like instruments, our bodies need regular tuning to play at our best.
TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Releasing Exercises) are a series of seven exercises that safely activate a natural reflex of shaking or vibrating to gently release muscular tension and calm the nervous system.
Tune-up your nature
Bracing against all kinds of stress on a regular basis can develop into chronic tension, which drains our energy. Regular tune-ups are helpful to shake off stress and reset.
Our nervous systems have an inherent ability to literally shake off stressors and muscular tension and down regulate the body to a relaxed, balanced state.
Initiated by the central nervous system, the tremor reflex manifests along a spectrum from very subtle vibrations to more active movement. This releases tensions in the myofascial tissue of the body, and helps regulate and restore balance to the nervous system. Tension release can look like laughter, tears, a feeling of ease or simply a yawn. The science of how it works is still unfolding, but you can test it for yourself!
Designed by Dr. David Berceli, TRE® is an effective, self-directed practice that can be used throughout your life to support your physiological well-being.
As a certified TRE® Provider, I will teach you the 7 basic exercises and modify them as needed to suit your needs and range of motion. Throughout the TRE® process, I will guide you to stay tuned to your body, to adjust the pace of your movements, and to maintain comfort. You will learn to read your body’s internal cues and regulate your own experience.
Give it a try with an individual TRE® session, and then deepen your practice with additional sessions as needed. All sessions currently take place online via zoom. While every single body and TRE® session are unique, clients often report benefits such as a sense of calm, increased range of motion, ability to manage anxiety, and restful sleep.
For those working through significant, unresolved trauma(s), TRE® is helpful in tandem with counseling. To find a counselor near you who also offers TRE® please see TRE Provider List.
For more details and resources see TRE® for All:
Book a TRE® Session
Well-Being Tune Up with TRE®
TRE® (Tension & Trauma Release Exercises) is a simple and profound practice of deep tension relief that you can use any time – and anywhere – to shed accumulated stress. Give it a try and see how it feels!