Reading Nature & Giving Back

Ready to plant habitat for pollinators, birds and people where you live?  Naturescaping describes a patch of yard that is planted with 3-5 canopy layers of majority native plants. In the Pacific Northwest, we have an astonishing variety of native plants to choose from! Learn to read your microclimate(s), connect with your place, and make a plan to plant that welcomes nature.

The seemingly astounding rebound in species on our property was neither astounding nor accidental. It was a predictable response by the natural world to our purposely restoring nature’s foundation: native plants. – Douglas Tallamy, PhD Entomology

Ready to plant habitat that supports local pollinators as well as your own well-being? Do you work better with a timeline and friends to share your progress/questions with? Move through the spring or fall planting season, step by step with a small cohort of fellow nature readers. Connect with your place, and make a plan to plant that welcomes nature home.

This course includes 6 online sessions (1.5 hours each), every other week, and runs in parallel with either the early spring or fall native planting seasons in the Pacific Northwest. 

Topics include:

  • Reading nature – How to identify local conditions in your yard, read wildlife tracks & sign, and get to know your spot
  • Make a planting plan – Explore design processes, including selecting native plants that are a match for the conditions of your place and your aesthetic
  • Seasonal care – Care for plants, pollinators and your own connection to place.


Objective: Coaching and support to ‘naturescape’ a patch of your front stoop, yard or community space

Primary audience: Beginning DIY gardeners in Western Oregon & Washington   

Group size: 5 to 8 

Location: Online via Zoom  

Ability: Requires ability to access Zoom with working audio and camera, access to your yard.

Duration: 1.5 hours per session x 6 sessions over 3 months with channels for communication throughout   

Price: $295/person with community pricing available

Community agreements: Kindergarten rules apply in shared spaces. Please bring your whole self – giggles, tears and all – but you will be dismissed or sent to quiet time if the potential for harm to others arises. We value restorative practices including relationship, respect, responsibility, repair, and reintegration for people, places and plants. Reading Nature welcomes marginalized parts of ourselves including LBGTQIA+, neurodivergent and BIPOC identities.

Reading Nature & Giving BackFor DIY gardeners in Western OR/WA